Tuesday, December 11, 2007

I've never been more thankful...

I trust everyone had an excellent Thanksgiving! And I really hope you are as excited as I am for Christmas! As the holiday season is passing I am reallizing that I've never been more thankful for my life, my family and my friends. It's quite an amazing feeling really. I have the awesome priviledge of ministering to and fellowshipping with some of the most incredible people on the planet (I may be prejudiced, but probably not)! Everyday I wake up and I am excited to see where God takes me and to see how He uses me. I really never know what kind of turns and twists my day will take, even when I think I have it planned out things can change with one phone call. I've seen some fantastic blessings take place and I've watched the answers to prayer unfold before my eyes. I've also dealt with tremendous heartbreak and devistating disappointment. I honestly think that I might not be far off by saying that I shedd some tears daily, and for those of you who know me you know I'm not lying. I have had days where I've experienced nearly every emotion in the book but through it all I've been blessed. I know because I know because I know that I am right where God wants me. He is teaching and training me in every situation I go through and every trial I encounter. I finally realize that this time of the year is not about anything but being thankful to Him for being who He is! It is not about gifts but about love and demonstrating that love to others. Sometimes we do that through gifts (personally I love gifts) sometimes its done through kind words, through hugs, and through quality time spent with loved ones, oh and don't forget FOOD! So, no matter what we may be going through now is the perfect time to take our eyes off of ourselves and put them where they really belong. ON GOD! Let's all get to the place where we can say with our whole heart that...I've never been more thankful!!!

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